Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Self-Change Goal

I'm ashamed to say that I'm addicted to soda. I drink soda with every snack or meal and anytime I feel thristy.  I rarely drink water. So when assigned this Self-Changing Goal project, I knew exactly what I wanted and needed to change about myself.  I've been addicted to drinking soda for several years now.  I believe it started when I moved out of my parents house to live on my own.  I started eating out more than three times a day and I'd order a soda everytime.  Even if I wanted to drink something else, I felt pressured to drink soda. I would find it displayed in vending machines, at fast-food chains, and at supermarket checkouts. I know drinking soda has become a habit because I find myself driving to the grocery store at 10 pm because I have run out or I find myself craving soda several times throughout the day. Not only is drinking soda unhealthy for me but it's much more expensive than drinking water.  So I believe it is time to stop drinking soda.  I am aware that this will be extremely difficult but its been a long-term goal of mine. 

I started working towards my goal this past Monday.  I would find myself craving soda several times a day and knowing that I couldnt drink it made me crave it even more.  I felt that if I wanted to succeed and stick to my goal, I need to slowly minimize my daily intake and not stop cold turkey.  So I stopped drinking soda during breakfast and limited drinking soda to one can at lunch.  As the days go by I lessen the intake even more.  Also Hopefully this will save me money in the long-run which will be another motivator.